A Day in the Life of a Huntingdon Hawk: KaLee Gilbert ‘24


News Release

February 7, 2024
For more information, contact:
Dr. Anthony Leigh, aleigh@hawks.huntingdon.edu

A Day in the Life of a Huntingdon Hawk: KaLee Gilbert ‘24

Montgomery, Ala. – KaLee Gilbert ’24 calls Bryant, Alabama, in Jackson County home.  At Huntingdon, she’s a member of the Presidential Scholars Program majoring in accounting.  She chronicled her day in the life of a Huntingdon Hawk on Tuesday, February 6.

“The first thing I did today was wake up around 7:15 for my 8:00 a.m. class, which was CALL 300. I got ready and made coffee because I got a new creamer, so I was excited to try it! During class, we had an open discussion about one of the readings we were assigned, and we talked about how callings may change over time. After class, I stopped by the print shop to pick up my Amazon package that had all of the new office supplies I ordered. I got back to the college house I live in and changed into business casual for work. I threw a bagel into the toaster and ate it before I left to go do tax returns.

I received an internship at Warren Averett, and I enjoy it a lot! I got to work at 10:00 am and the first thing I always do when I turn my laptop on is check my emails. Today, I went to two meetings, and I prepared a tax return. This consisted of calculating the fixed assets, so I could make a journal entry for depreciation and make some other journal entries while I was at it. The tax return is for housing partners, and I’m pretty fond of them! During the busy season, we get free lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The menu for today was Mexican food from Sol and I got an absolutely delicious taco salad. I was done with all of my work, and I left at 2:30 for my 3:00 business law class.

I got back and found out the class had been canceled, so I just talked to my roommates for a little bit and took about a 15-minute nap. I woke up from my nap to go to the library for study hall. I’m a part of the new Scarlet Scholars and I do study hall from 4:30-6:30 p.m. to help students with their assignments, tutor, and do some homework myself. During study hall, I finished up homework that was due later this week and I finished a paper I have been working on. My roommates were also in the library, so when I was done with study hall, I talked to them before I left.

It was about 7:00 when I started to get hungry again and I’ll usually go to the dining hall for dinner, but I was craving a taco from Taco Bell. I finished eating and I decided to clean up my room and do some laundry. After all that was done, it was time to relax, and I started crocheting a throw that I had been meaning to finish while I watched some YouTube. Just know, it’s still not finished. I was doing that for quite a while, and I knew it was time for bed when it hit 10:00. My days aren’t always like this, but I would say Tuesdays are my busy days!”


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Picture of Dr. Anthony J. Leigh

Dr. Anthony J. Leigh

Senior Vice President for Student and Institutional Development; Dean of Students
(334) 833-4528 | aleigh@hawks.huntingdon.edu

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