Evan Bergeron tackles a new role in SGA


News Release

November 8, 2023
For more information, contact:
Dr. Anthony Leigh, aleigh@hawks.huntingdon.edu

Evan Bergeron tackles a new role in SGA

Montgomery, Ala. – As a result of the upcoming November graduation of Student Government Association Treasurer Madi Haddock ’23, the SGA has elected Evan Bergeron ’25 to fulfill her unexpired term in the Spring semester. Get to know Evan’s involvement in the life of the College in this Q and A conversation.

Q. Tell us about you – your class year, hometown, and major.

A. I am a junior accounting major from Abbeville, Louisiana.

Q. What roles have you previously played in Huntingdon’s SGA, and what led you to get involved in SGA in the first place?

A. I was previously an SGA senator for Fall 2023, and what led me to take this position was Will Pilgrim talking to me last Spring about joining SGA.

Q. What made you decide to seek the appointment to serve as Treasurer of SGA and what excites you the most about this role?

A. I decided I wanted this role about halfway through this Fall, and when I heard there was an opening it was a perfect opportunity to take hold of it. I’m excited to take this position because as an accounting major I love dealing with money, so I think I’m a great fit for the position.

Q. For someone that has never been to an SGA meeting, what does one look like?

A. Your first shock might be mine, which was the structure involved in them. It was different than I expected, but it really helps keep a larger group of people on task. It is mainly different committees talking about how they can improve not only Huntingdon but also how we can serve our fellow students.

Q. Beyond SGA, what else are you involved in on campus?

A. Other than SGA I play football as a defensive lineman, and I am president of the Omicron Delta Kappa honors society.

Q. With your election, three of the five SGA officers play football for Huntingdon. Does SGA talk extend to the field or locker room between you and Will Pilgrim (SGA Vice President) and Ben Barker (SGA Director of Public Relations)? What’s your relationship like with them?

A. Surprisingly it does extend to outside the meetings and into the locker room. It is mainly about upcoming events that need bills to be written so they get passed. My relationship with them is good. I live with Ben so we get along very well, and Will and I were co-captains for some competition teams during the Spring, so we got to know each other well then.

Q. What do you like most about your accounting major?

A. The things I enjoy most about my accounting major are probably the classes. I really enjoy learning about the behind the scenes of business and the economics of our world.

Q. What do you see yourself doing professionally with your accounting major?

A. I see myself running my own accounting firm once I get my master’s degree and CPA license.

Q. What has been your favorite non-accounting class at Huntingdon and why?

A. My favorite non-accounting class was business finance. It tied in some information from my accounting classes which I can apply to real life situations immediately in my life.

Q. What are your plans for the upcoming break after the Fall semester ends?

A. My plans for this winter break are to spend time with family as I haven’t gotten to spend much time with them during the football season. Other than that, it will be a lot of working out, dieting as much as I can around Thanksgiving and Christmas, and then preparing for a busy Spring semester.

Q. Want to give a shoutout to any Hawks for something special they have done this Fall?

A. Sam Fields and Blake Smith for going through accounting classes with me and doing SGA with me as well They are some good friends for that. Also, a shoutout to Will Pilgrim and Ben Barker for help with SGA this Fall.


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Picture of Dr. Anthony J. Leigh

Dr. Anthony J. Leigh

Senior Vice President for Student and Institutional Development; Dean of Students
(334) 833-4528 | aleigh@hawks.huntingdon.edu

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