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Allison Mugno, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
- Ph.D., Legal Psychology, Florida International University, Miami, Florida; dissertation title: Priming for honesty: A novel technique for encouraging children’s true disclosures of adult wrongdoing; Summer 2017
- M.S., Legal Psychology, Florida International University, Miami, Florida; thesis title: Caught in a lie: An experimental investigation of lie-telling among children with disruptive behavior disorders;Â Spring 2015
- B. A., Psychology, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina; minor in Sociology; Spring 2004
Dr. Mugno joined the Huntingdon faculty in the fall of 2017. Her research interests broadly concern children’s memory, particularly the cognitive and social factors affecting children’s eyewitness testimony. Dr. Mugno teaches a variety of psychology courses at Huntingdon, including a Legal and Forensic Psychology course.
- Julia Lightfoot Sellers Award, Huntingdon College, 2022
- Dr. and Mrs. John N. Todd Award for Excellence in Teaching, Huntingdon College, 2020
- Mugno, A. P., & Malloy, L. C. (2023). Interview and child factors that influence children’s true disclosures of a parent’s versus a stranger’s wrongdoing. Applied Developmental Science.
- Mugno, A. P., Malloy, L. C., & La Rooy, D. J. (2023). Interviewing witnesses. In G. Davies, A. Beech, & M. Coloff (Eds.), Forensic psychology: Crime, justice, law, and interventions (4th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
- Malloy, L. C., Mugno, A. P., Waschbusch, D. A., Pelham, W. E., & Talwar, V. (2019). Parents’ attitudes about and socialization of honesty and dishonesty in typically-developing children and children with disruptive behavior disorders. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 47(2), 299-312.
- Mugno, A. P., Malloy, L. C., Waschbusch, D. A., Pelham, W. E., & Talwar, V. (2019). An experimental investigation of antisocial lie-telling among children with disruptive behavior disorders and typically developing children. Child Development, 90(3), 774-789.
- Malloy, L. C., Mugno, A. P., & Arndorfer, A. (2018). Interviewing children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder: The NICHD Protocol and Ten Step Investigative Interview. In G. S. Goodman, J. L. Johnson, & P. C. Mundy (Eds.), Wiley handbook of autobiographical memory, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and the law (pp. 292-310). John Wiley & Sons.
- Mugno, A. P., Malloy, L. C., & La Rooy, D. J. (2017). Interviewing witnesses. In G. Davies & A. Beech (Eds.), Forensic psychology: Crime, justice, law, and interventions (3rd ed., pp. 201-230). John Wiley & Sons.
- Malloy, L. C., &Mugno, A. P. (2016). Children’s recantation of adult wrongdoing: An experimental investigation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 145, 11-21.
- Malloy, L. C., Mugno, A. P., Rivard, J. R., Lyon, T. D., & Quas, J. A. (2016). Familial influences on recantation in substantiated child sexual abuse cases. Child Maltreatment, 21(3), 256-261.
- Mugno, A. P., Klemfuss, J. Z., & Lyon, T. D. (2016). Attorney questions predict jury-eligible adult assessments of attorneys, child witnesses, and defendant guilt. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 34(1), 178- 199.
- Malloy, L. C., Katz, C., Lamb, M. E., &Mugno, A. P. (2015). Children’s requests for clarification in investigative interviews about suspected sexual abuse. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29(3), 323-333.
- Malloy, L. C., &Mugno, A. P. (2015). Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome. In R. Cautin& S. Lilienfeld, The encyclopedia of clinical psychology (pp. 1–3). John Wiley & Sons.
- Malloy, L. C., Molinaro, P., Mugno, A. P., & Rivard, J. (2014, Winter). Recantation in legal contexts. American Psychology-Law Society Newsletter (pp. 10-12). Division 41, American Psychological Association.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations
* = presenter (10)
** = undergraduate student
- Malloy, L. C., Mugno, A. P., Waschbusch, D. A., Pelham, W. E., & Talwar, V. (2018, March). Parents’ attitudes about and socialization of honesty and dishonesty in typically-developing children and children with disruptive behavior disorders. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the American Psychology-Law Society, Memphis, TN.
- Mugno, A. P.*, & Malloy, L. C. (2018, March). Priming for honesty: A novel technique for encouraging children’s true disclosures of adult wrongdoing. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the American Psychology-Law Society, Memphis, TN.
- Olaguez, A. P., Klemfuss, J. Z., &Mugno, A. P. (2017, March). Jury-eligible adults’ opinions on children’s abilities as witnesses and reasons behind their verdict decision. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the American Psychology-Law Society, Seattle, WA.
- Mugno, A. P.*, Klemfuss, J. Z., & Lyon, T. D. (2016, March). Attorney questions predict credibility assessments of attorneys and child witnesses. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the American Psychology-Law Society, Atlanta, GA.
- Mugno, A. P.*, & Malloy, L. C. (2016, March). Caregiver supportiveness and children’s willingness to disclose wrongdoing: An experimental study. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the American Psychology-Law Society, Atlanta, GA.
- Perez, C.**, Mugno, A. P., Alvarez, F.**, & Malloy, L. C. (2016, March). The effects of age and maternal supportiveness on children’s (non)-disclosure strategies. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the American Psychology-Law Society, Atlanta, GA.
- Perez, C.**, Mugno, A. P., Alvarez, F.**, & Malloy, L. C. (2016, March). Sociomotivationaland developmental influences on children’s disclosure patterns. Paper presented at the Conference for Undergraduate Research at Florida International University, Miami, FL.
- Malloy, L. C., &Mugno, A. P. (2015, August). Maternal supportiveness and children’s recantation of adult wrongdoing. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.
- Malloy, L. C., &Mugno, A. P.*, Pelham, W., Hawk, L., & Lamb, M. (2015, June). Memory and suggestibility among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Paper presented at the International Congress on Children and the Law, Porto, Portugal.
- Mugno, A., P.*, & Malloy, L. C. (2015, April). Children’s recantation of adult wrongdoing. Paper presented at Florida International University’s Graduate School Appreciation Week Scholarly Forum, Miami, FL.
- Mugno, A. P.*, Malloy, L. C., Talwar, V., &Waschbusch, D. (2015, March). Lying for concealment or gain: Antisocial lie-telling among children with disruptive behavior disorders. Paper presented at the biennial meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.
- Rivard, J., Mugno, A. P., Malloy, L. C., Lyon T., & Quas, J. (2015, March). In the field: Predictors of children’s recantation in substantiated child sexual abuse cases. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the American Psychology-Law Society, San Francisco, CA.
- Malloy, L. C., Mugno, A. P., Rivard, J., Lyon, T. D., & Quas, J. A. (2014, March). A detailed investigation of recanted child sexual abuse case. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the American Psychology Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
- Mugno, A. P.*, Malloy, L. C., Talwar, V., &Waschbusch, D. (2014, March). Caught in a lie: An experimental examination of lie-telling among children with disruptive behavior disorders. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
- Castro, A.**, Barrios, E.**, Mugno, A. P., & Malloy, L. C. (2014, February). An examination of lie-telling among children with disruptive behavior disorders. Poster presented at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference, Miami, FL.
- Mugno, A. P.*, Malloy, L., Katz, C., & Lamb, M. (2013, April). Children’s requests for clarification in investigative interviews. Paper presented at the biennial meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.
- Mugno, A. P.*, Malloy, L., Katz, C., & Lamb, M. (2013, March). How do interviewers respond when children request clarification in investigative interviews? Paper presented at the annual meeting for the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.
- Coffman, J. L., Mugno, A. P., Zimmerman, D., Langley, H., Howlett, K., Grammer, J. K., & Ornstein, P. A. (2011, April). A longitudinal examination of kindergarteners’ memory performance. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Canada.
- Grammer, J. K., Mugno, A. P., Zimmerman, D., Howlett, K., Langley, H., Coffman, J. L., & Ornstein, P. A. (2011, April). An experimental investigation of contrasting instructional conditions of children’s developing memory skills. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Canada.
- Langley, H., Bohanek, J. G., Coffman, J. L., Mugno, A. P., Lee, S., Hedrick, A. M., Baker-Ward, L. E., & Ornstein, P. A. (2011, April). Linkages between young children’s autobiographical and deliberate memory performance. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Canada.
- Grammer, J. K., Coffman, J. L., Mugno, A. P., Hedrick, A. M., San Souci, P. P., & Ornstein, P. A. (2009, April). Learning to remember: Characterizing memory relevant instruction in elementary school classrooms. In K. Boller (Chair), Issues and innovations in measuring the quality of early care and education. Pecha Kucha conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
- Grammer, J. K., Sidney, P. G.**, Mugno, A. P., Lee, S., Langley, H., Coffman, J. L., et al. (2009, April). A longitudinal exploration of children’s multiple strategy use in the context of the elementary school classroom. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
- Grammer, J. K., Mugno, A. P., San Souci, P. P., Coffman, J. L., & Ornstein, P. A. (2007, October). Linkages among children’s study skills, memory strategies, and academic achievement. Poster presented at the fifth biennial meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Santa Fe, NM.
- Grammer, J. K., McCall, L. E., Mugno, A. P., Coffman, J. L., & Ornstein, P. A. (2007, April). Linking fourth graders’ study skills to their early memory strategies. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.
- Mugno, A. P.*, & Beck, R. (2005, February). The effects of mood and personality on temporal discounting rates. Poster presented at the North Carolina Cognition Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.