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William Young, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Curriculum and Academic Policy; Professor of Mathematics
- Ph.D., Mathematics, Vanderbilt University
- M.S., Mathematics, Vanderbilt University
- B.S., Mathematics, with minors in Philosophy and Anthropology, Purdue University
Dr. Young joined the Huntingdon College faculty in the fall semester, 2013.
Research Interests:
Universal Algebra, Algebraic Logic, Residuated Lattices
Cuchta, T., Lokken, K.A., and Young, W., Zero-Divisor Graphs of Localizations and modular Rings, Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics, Journal, 9 (2), 2008 (electronic)
Young, W., Projective Objects in the Categories of Abelian l-groups and MV-algebras. Â Algebra Universalis, accepted.
Conference Presentations:
2012, Free MV-algebras inside Free Abelian l-groups. Â Logic, Algebra, and Truth Degrees 2012. Â Kanazawa, Japan.
2012, Algebras Induced by a Unary Term. Â ManyVal ’12. Â Salerno, Italy.
2011, A Comparison of Two Categorical Equivalences. Â Shanks Workshop on Algebra and Proof Theory, amplified by Frames and Category Theory. Â Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
2010, Modal Substructural Logics.  Algebra and Substructural Logics—Take 4.  JAIST.  Nomi, Japan.
2010, Extending the Godel-McKinsey-Tarski Translation to Substructural Logics. Â World Congress and School on Universal Logic III. Â Special Session on Substructural Logics. Â Lisbon, Portugal.
2009, Extending the Godel-McKinsey-Tarski Translation to Substructural Logics. Â MLG 2009. Â Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan.