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Moore, Joy

Dr. Joy J. Moore

Chapman-Benson Distinguished Scholar in Residence


Phone: (334) 833-4585
Office: Flowers 324


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Practical Theology, Brunel University/London School of Theology
  • Master of Divinity, Garrett Theological Evangelical Seminary
  • Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics and Elementary Education, National College of Education


Seeking to provide opportunities for the Christian hope to be explained and practiced,, Dr. Joy Moore’s academic appointments have included vice president for academic affairs and professor of biblical preaching at Luther Seminary; associate professor of practical theology at Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University; assistant professor of preaching and founding associate dean for the William E. Pannell Center for African American Church Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary; and associate dean for lifelong learning at Duke Divinity School, among other appointments. She has written for Sojourners magazine, Christian CenturyGood News magazine, and Working Preacher. She can be heard weekly on the Sermon Brainwave podcast.


  • Epilogue for Johnny Ramirez-Johnson, The Power of Love for Reaching Out to “the Other”: IMAGE-IQ Intercultural Communications Model for the Church Today. (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2023)
  • “A Cultural Decline Beyond our Capacity to Handle” article on Race Relations for United Methodist Rethink Church, February 2015.
  • Guest editor, Fuller Magazine (Issue 4) Reconciling Race, Fall 2015.
  • “A Time to Forgive: article for Good News Magazine, August 2015
  • “Social Media and the Church: Communication among the Masses” Catalyst (For United Methodist seminarians) April 22, 2015 (
  • Contributor to “Preaching the Word,” Sojourners’ online resource for sermon preparation and Bible study, available at
  • “Race” in Joel B. Green (ed) The Dictionary of Scripture and Ethics (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2011)
  • “Preaching: Telling the Story in a Sound-bite Culture,” in Andrew Thompson (ed),Generation Rising, (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2011).
  • Book Review of David J. Lose, Confessing Jesus Christ: Preaching in a Postmodern World (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003) in Scottish Journal of Theology, 60, (2007). Pp. 118-120
  • “Bearing Witness” sermon in Christian Century 124:16 (August 7, 2007):
  • “Sneak Preview” sermon in Christian Century 124:16 (August 7, 2007):
  • “Contentious Conversations: Myths in the Homosexuality Debate” in Newton Mahoney and Maxie Dunnam (eds),
  • Staying the Course: Supporting the Church’s Position on Homosexuality. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2003. Pp. 115-21 .
  • “Our Higher Calling,” High Calling: A Publication of the Francis Asbury Society (Winter 2001): 5.
  • “An Analogy,” Faith and Freedom 19:3-4 (Summer/ Fall 2000):15.
  • “Great Expectations: Approach the Millennium with Faith” Interpreter 43:6 (September 1999):45. “Is This the Best Way?” Circuit Rider (January/February 1998):23.
  • “People” in Den Slattery and Gary Wales (eds), Essential Truths: For Those Who Would Be Faithful. Anderson, Indiana: Bristol Books, 1997. Pp. 73-80.
  • “Discovering Liberty in Nonessentials,” in Unity, Liberty & Charity: Building Bridges Under Icy Waters, edited by Don E. Messer and William J. Abraham, Abingdon Press 1996. Pp.87-97.


Academics, Religion

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