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  • Get involved. Involvement with others and with campus activities are healthy pursuits. Involvement can breed positive thoughts and feelings and is related to good self-esteem and academic success.
  • Stay positive. Work toward maintaining an optimistic attitude and interacting with others in productive ways. Be accepting and tolerant of yourself and others.
  • Go to class. Attendance in class ought to be one of your top priorities. Your academic success and successful stress management are dependent upon good attendance.
  • Party smart. If you choose to drink alcohol and enjoy partying, do it in ways that don’t result in harm to yourself or others, and don’t result in poor academic performance. Do everything in moderation.
  • Stay on campus. Make the most of living in the residence halls. Living in the residence halls allows you to adjust to being at college in a safe environment without worrying about buying groceries, cleaning apartments, or paying bills. You also have much easier access to professors, staff, and other resources.
  • Eat and sleep well. We function at our best when our bodies are appropriately nurtured.
  • Practice good stress management. While some stress is inevitable, there are things we can do to prevent or reduce stress. Seek out and learn these methods.
  • Communicate productively. Be assertive with others so that your own needs are met, but do so with respect to others and to their differences.
  • Maintain healthy relationships. Work to avoid “toxic” relationships, but also do a lot of give-and-take with your friends. Put effort into resolving conflicts in ways that honor yourself and others. Stay in touch with those who support you.
  • Stay focused. Academic life requires students to focus and to concentrate. Work to avoid or to reduce things that interfere with your concentration.
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