2017 Commencement Exercises

Traditional Day Commencement Exercises
- The 2017 Commencement Address and 2016–2017 Stallworth Lecture in the Liberal Arts, “Civic Engagement: Millennial Power in a Boomer Nation,” was delivered by Kristen Soltis Anderson, pollster, political commentator, and author of The Selfie Vote: Where Millennials are Leading America.
- The Graduate Address was delivered by Jay Ware ’17, Biology, Rome, Georgia.
2017 Margaret Read Scholarship Medalists The Margaret Read Scholarship Medal, earned by the 2017 graduate(s) who achieved perfect 4.0 grade point averages, was presented to Zachary den Besten ’17, Biology, Chemistry, Enterprise, Alabama; Courtney Harville ’17, Sport Studies-Sport Management, Morristown, Tennessee; Chandler Kemp, Cell Biology, Jacksonville, Florida; Margaret Virginia Murphy ’17, Communication Studies, Montgomery, Alabama; Lexie Ofe ’17, English, Religion, Montgomery, Alabama; Hannah Shirley ’17, Elementary Education/Collaborative Special Education (K–6), Prattville, Alabama; Emily Simon ’17, Biochemistry, Montgomery, Alabama; and Julia Shappert ’17, Business Administration, Commercial Point, Ohio.
- The Loyalty Award, voted upon by members of the senior class, was presented to Victoria Krupa ’17.
- The Willard D. Top Award, given annually to a graduating senior who exemplifies outstanding commitment to academics and service to Huntingdon College, was presented to Zachary den Besten ’17.
- Dr. Lisa Clark, Assistant Professor of Sport Science and Physical Education, was recognized with the Winn and Gordon Chappell Academic Enrichment Award, voted upon by faculty.
- Dr. Erastus C. Dudley, Dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Professor of Biology, was honored with the Julia Lightfoot Sellers Award for Excellence in Teaching. The award, given annually, is voted upon by members of the senior and junior classes as “that member of the teaching faculty who, in their judgment, has done much this year toward inspiring them to nobility of purpose and rekindling within them a deeper desire for learning.”

Evening Bachelor’s Degree Program Commencement Exercises
- The 2017 Evening Studies Commencement Address, “If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me,” was delivered by The Honorable Gary Fuller, Mayor, Opelika, Alabama.
See photos on the Huntingdon Facebook page.